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Sprites and Graphics elements

This section contains some graphic resources used in the game: scenery, characters in combat and others...
  • battlers(characters and enemies in combat)
  • charsets (people, animals, objects ...)
  • maps ((maps on which the characters move)


We may use terms specific to RPG Maker. If you are not accustomed to this world, this glossary will help you understand what we have to tell you

- A -

  • Autotiles : These are supplements graphics for  chipsets such as grass, water, ...

- B -

  • BattleBacks : This is simply the name given to the images that appear in the background during the fight sequences..

  • Battlers :  representation of characters and enemies in combat.

  • BGM : Initials of 'Background Music', it's the music you hear in the background on a map, in combat or in the menu..

  • BGS : Initials 'Background Sound', there are the background sounds like the sound of rain, river, birds, ...

- C -

  • CBS : 'Custom Battle System', is the combat system customized by the creator.

  • Charsets : These are the graphic resources used for  characters.

  • Chipsets : These are the graphics for creating maps

  • CMS :'Custom Menu System', the menu system customized by the creator

- F -

  • Facesets : These are the avatars representing the characters in the dialogues, the menu, see also in the fighting.

  • Fogs : These are images that add effects of fog, clouds, shade trees, ... on the maps..

- G -

  • Gameover : Nothing complicated, it's just the image representing the game over (end game).

- I -

  • Icons : These are small images used to represent objects, weapons, armor, .....

- L -

  • Librairies : Named also 'Resources', these are all elements of a project (graphic and sound).

- M -

  • Maker : 'maker' is the name we give to people who  create video games in amateur..

  • Maps : on these that the characters move. They are created through Chipsets.

  • ME :  'Music Effect', are played only once to launch the atmosphere

- P -

  • Panoramas : These are images placed in the bottom of the maps to show a landscape like mountains.

- R -

  • RGSS :This is a simplified Ruby language  for RPG Maker XP

  • RM : Abbreviation fo RPG Maker.

  • RMXP : Abbreviation fo RPG Maker XP.

  • RTP : This is the English equivalent of 'Libraries' (or 'Resources').

  • Ruby : programming language used by the RPG Maker engine. The Ruby allows further customization of a project that the options proposed in the database.

- S -

  • SE :'Sound Effect'  the sound effects you can put on your maps, in combat or in the menu. This may be the noise of the cursor, the opening / closing a door, the sound of attacks / spells, ..
  • Sprites: Sprite in the video game is a graphical element that can move across the screen..

- T -

  • Titles :  It's just the picture of your game and displayed at the title screen..

  • Transitions :  the effects that can be given between the passage of two maps.

- W -

  • WindowSkin : This is an image that includes the various graphic elements that make up the dialogue window and the menu and battles.