Nom: Volga
Etoile: Tenken

Age: 34 ans
Sexe: M
Origine: Lelcar
Histoire: Leader de l'île Est de Lelcar
Fonction: chef de ville
Recrutement: automatique après les événements de Lelcar
Fin: Nudged from all sides, he finally agrees to take a "friggin' desk job" as Mayor of Lelcar.

Participe aux batailles stratégiques:
En tant que Leader d'unité: oui
En tant qu'assistant d'unité: oui
En tant que support: non
Rang: B
Type d'unité terrestre si leader: Infanterie Lourde
Type d'unité navale si leader: Ram ship (belier)
capacité: Charge
nombre de sort:1
bonus: Defense + 5

Peut être pris dans l'équipe? non

="That Girl Who Likes Mechanical Things"= Why did she call me "Lelcar Number 2"?  What does that even mean? Please tell her to come explain.
="Rune Mistress"= When she first came to Lelcar, the young fellows really made a big fuss. Normally, I would scold them for making such a big racket over a girl, but I don't blame them this time. When we brought her to the castle, the ones left behind in Lelcar must've been so disappointed...
="Kyle"= The reason he left Lelcar ten years ago was because he flirted with De Beers' adopted daughter. He had to go. He's into just about every kind of girl,  but he's always had a special weakness for upper-crust girls with wild sides...


#1: Volga's an influential man. He controls Lelcar's eastern islet. He's got charisma and a strong sense of duty.
#2: Surprisingly enough, he doesn't like conflict. But he hates  compromising his priniciples even more. You can see why he and  Lord De Beers didn't get along. De Beers was always flip-flopping.
#3: His nature won't allow him to ignore those in need. He used to take in orphans and care for them, Kyle was one of those orphans.

